Cannabis Grinder Denton. The intended use of this product is for hemp derived products with THC less than .3% and or Tobacco use*
*We have used this grinder for over a year. It has probably ground over 5lbs of weed and produced many 1’000s of pre-rolls with the same original grinder we tested before stocking them for our customers. We have beaten the sides with metal and frozen it over 100 times. We just Strip the x4 Pieces down, drop them in alcohol and let it soak for a couple of hours. Then wipe it down and its brand new again. Best Value for money, they don’t make them like this anymore.
Cannabis Grinder Denton. This is a beautifully designed grinder, with class and style in mind. With a sleek body style it looks and feels like a million dollars. An excellent x4 Piece Grinder. 4″ tall with a Strong magnetic lid, definitely built to last. Textured lid for easy grip and comes with a free kief scrapper. Powerful grinding action that really allows for a good grind without grinding your flower too fine. CNC cut, for a perfect hand in glove fit making for easy preparation of your flower. Excellent for personal use or stocking fillers.
Cannabis Grinder Denton:
*Easy to clean
*Built to last
*Professional results every time
SEO & INFO: Cannabis Grinder Denton
As you know by now, we strive for excellence. We will not cut corners to bloat our profit margin. We test all of the products in-house and only carry the most pure & potent products with the cleanest Coa’s and companies with a long History of phenomenal products and shelves full of awards.
There is no charge for Sales Tax or Local Delivery Fees or in fact, any hidden fees. Furthermore, we give samples where we can, with every purchase.
Proudly serving the good people of Denton, Texas.
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