About Us

About Us
At Fourtwenty911, it is our absolute mission to bring to you, some of the best quality, some of the purest and effective products on the market today. We have a 25 point in-house checklist that all products go through, to ensure the maximum excellence in our products. We don’t just cater to hard hitters, social butterflies and light/low dose travelers, but therapeutic applications have taken off and usage is off the charts.
After thoroughly investigating and testing each product to exhaustion, if successful in meeting our strict 25 point policy, we then offer each product to you the customer for your careful consideration and continued use.
After testing, we combine our findings and report the effects. These are our honest findings and are subject to slight differences for various reasons by different people. But we haven’t been wrong yet with our assessments.
At fourtwenty911 we do things the right way. Yes, we need to make money to keep the lights on, but we aren’t interested in selling you a subpar product or selling to you without informing and educating you, should you desire the assistance to bullseye your relief. We just want the maximum success in your application and we do not take that responsibility lightly.
We do not sell products at Fourtwenty911, we sell a lifestyle. Whether you are chasing a high or seeking relief. Pre-existing or sudden unexpected life changes combined with a failed and broken medical system. We have sadly seen it all.